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Welcome to Kirkland and Catterall St Helen's Church of England Voluntary Aided Primary School and Jellybeans Pre-school

“A Christian Family who equip one another to soar”

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Chair of Governors:

Mrs C Davies c/o:

Kirkland & Catterall St Helen's CE Primary School

The Green, ChurchtownPR3 0HS


Vice Chair: Mrs E Ward

Chair of Finance & Resources Committee:  Mrs C Davies

Chair of Standards & Effectiveness Committee: Mrs P Perks

Ex Officio: Mr A Scholz (Headteacher), Rev A Wilkinson

Foundation Governors:

Mr J Bradley

Mr S Elliott

Mrs H Mackie

Mrs A Taylor

Mrs E Ward

Parent Governors: 

Mrs D Kenyon

Mr G Laidlow

Staff Governor: Mrs A Simpson

LEA Governor: Mrs C Davies

Co-opted Governor: Mrs P Perks



Governor attendance 2024-25
